Disaster Relief

Deadly Earthquake at the Turkey/Syrian Border


“We have reached out to partners in the region to determine the needs in the area and ways in which the UCC can be a part of the response through Global Ministries with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and through Global H.O.P.E.,” she continued. “We are already receiving preliminary reports from partners in the humanitarian community as they launch needs assessments and mobilize relief. We will collaborate with them as requests are received to support the response to this natural disaster.”
Donations can be made directly to Global Ministries, or through your giving here at CCA. Please be sure to note EARTHQUAKE in your CCA Giving, whether by check, a cash envelope, or online, so that we can accurately account this donation. Thank you
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Ukraine Relief Effort

Russia Attacks Ukraine Infrastructure: Latest Updates - The New York Times
On February 24, 2022, the Russian military attacked Ukraine. According to UNHCR, the United Nations’ refugee agency, some 15 million people have been forcibly displaced, 8 million within Ukraine (IDPs) and 7 outside (refugees), making it the most rapid and largest single increase in forcibly displaced populations since WWII.  The UCC is considering requests for funds and stewarding donations carefully, given the protracted crisis and the certainty of the need for support in a years-long recovery once the war ends. “The situation is very fluid and immediate needs will continue to emerge, thus the intentionality for ensuring that UCC funding support remains steady and flexible,” said the Rev. Joshua Baird, Global H.O.P.E. team leader in the UCC’s Wider Church Ministries. “We know that by working together we can collectively have a stronger impact and response.” 
Donations can be made directly to Global Ministries, or through your giving here at CCA. Please be sure to note UKRAINE in your CCA Giving, whether by check, a cash envelope, or online, so that we can accurately account this donation. Thank you
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