Children and Youth
“Shepherd U” is our Sunday School and meets at 10:00 am each Sunday during the school year. This custom-designed “university” occupies the top floor of our church and is based on a biblical cityscape. The lessons are taught using the multiple intelligences approach. These lessons in music, games, art, cooking, stories, drama, puppets, science, and video teach the stories of the Bible.
If you would prefer that your children remain with you in the worship service, kits with coloring sheets and crayons are located in the Chapel. In the Chapel, there is also a play mat with quiet toys for the young ones to use during worship.
Confirmation is a two-year program which instructs 7th and 8th graders in our faith. At the end of the program there is an opportunity for them to join our congregation and to confirm their vows of baptism.
Faith in Action – meets during the school year. (Please call the Church Office for specific dates) The concept of this group has come from our youth telling us that they want more opportunity to do mission work. They want to make a difference in our world.

Safe Church logo
When you see this logo you know that the leaders have been background checked and received special training in our Safe Church Policy. There will always be a trained leader and an assistant at all child and youth events, so there is never a question that all of our children are kept safe and loved at CCA!